The Monday (tues) snapshot: yard

As the brisk autumn end of days close in, we’ve taken to getting fresh air before sunset in the yard. Jman loves the birds, boats and helicopters,and always sleeps a lot better after a dose of fresh air and nature’s inputs. Though yesterday he was pulling up on everything, so the one storey drop to the water and rocks adds a little bit of extra vigilance….I’m glad there’s a fence. It’s nice to have some calm time together before the meal-bath-our meal-play-bed kerfuffle.





mothering, a tribute to the cause – (ozifrog)

PAIL Bloggers

This time of the year is all about honoring mothers. Over the next two weeks, we have International Bereaved Mothers Day (May 5), Birth Mother’s Day (May 11), Mother’s Day (May 12), and Step Mother’s Day (May 19). In recognition of this, we will be featuring a different post every day this week from a PAIL reader who has volunteered to share her thoughts about mothering. We hope you enjoy reading everyone’s posts this week! 


How do you solve a problem like a mother?

Becoming a mother is like taking your car to a mechanic.( If you’re anything like me, you don’t know much about cars). So you take your car in for what seems to be a minor routine service. Now, the thing is about putting your car in for a service is you don’t know what you’re buying.

I’d like to buy this thing, that I can’t…

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The monday snapshot: My pasta eating face

Friday I was up early and buggered off in the dark for a coffee. Alone. Awesome decision. We’ll be doing that one again. A whole hour of ME TIME!

I came home and vacuumed after breaky, (wtf?)… Crawling makes you soooooo conscious of the crap on the carpet. We’ve been crawling just over a week now. The random coins and screws and elastic bands…a veritable minefield, I tell ya.

As a reward, we buggered off to the city, on the ferry no less. The ferry has been out of a few months, so j-man didnt remember it, but man did he like it. Of course, he had to do that whole “lets harass the random stranger on public transport” routine that he has, but whatevs. It was fun. He squealed with delight when I took him outside to see the waves, boats, birds and bridges.

Of course, this all gets a boy’s appetite going.

So we ate pasta.

Lots and lots of pasta.

And jman quite enjoyed it.

Can you tell?
